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The TMUX1247 is a general purpose complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch. The TMUX1247 switches between two source inputs based on the state of the SEL pin. Wide operating supply of 1.08 V to 5.5 V allows for use in a broad array of applications from personal electronics to building automation. The device supports bidirectional analog and digital signals on the source (Sx) and drain (D) pins ranging from GND to VDD. A low supply current of 4 nA enables use in portable applications.

All logic inputs have 1.8 V logic compatible thresholds, ensuring both TTL and CMOS logic compatibility when operating in the valid supply voltage range. Fail-Safe Logic circuitry allows voltages on the control pins to be applied before the supply pin, protecting the device from potential damage.


  • Rail to rail operation

  • Bidirectional signal path

  • 1.8 V Logic compatible

  • Fail-safe logic

  • Low on-resistance: 3 Ω

  • Wide supply range: 1.08 V to 5.5 V

  • -40°C to +125°C Operating temperature

  • Low supply current: 4 nA

  • Transition time: 14 ns

  • Break-before-make switching

  • ESD protection HBM: 2000 V