Analog input
16-bit, 800 kSPS ADC
Voltage, current, and impedance measurement capability
Internal and external current and voltage channels
Ultralow leakage switch matrix and input mux
Input buffers and programmable gain amplifier
Voltage DACs
Dual output voltage DAC with an output range of 0.2 V to 2.4 V
12-bit VBIAS0 output to bias potentiostat
6-bit VZERO0 output to bias TIA
Ultra low power: 1 μA
1 high speed, 12-bit DAC
Output range to sensor: ±607 mV
Programmable gain amplifier on output with gain settings of 2 and 0.05
Amplifiers, accelerators, and references
1 low power, low noise potentiostat amplifier suitable for potentiostat bias in electrochemical sensing
1 low noise, low power TIA, suitable for measuring sensor current output
50 pA to 3 mA range
Programmable load and gain resistors for sensor output
Analog hardware accelerators
Digital waveform generator
Receive filters
Complex impedance measurement (DFT) engine
1 high speed TIA to handle wide bandwidth input signals from 0.015 Hz up to 200 kHz
Digital waveform generator for generation of sinusoid and trapezoid waveforms
2.5 V and 1.82 V internal reference voltage sources
System level power savings
Fast power-up and power-down analog blocks for duty cycling
Programmable AFE sequencer to minimize workload of host controller
6 kB SRAM to preprogram AFE sequences
Ultra low power potentiostat channel: 6.5 μA of current consumption when powered on and all other blocks in hibernate mode
Smart sensor synchronization and data collection
Cycle accurate control of sensor measurement
Sequencer controlled GPIOs
On-chip peripherals
SPI serial input/output
Wake-up timer
Interrupt controller
2.8 V to 3.6 V supply
1.82 V input/output compliant
Power-on reset
Hibernate mode with low power DAC and potentiostat amplifier powered up to maintain sensor bias
Package and temperature range
7 mm × 7 mm, 48-lead LFCSP
Fully specified for operating temperature range of −40°C to +85°C