Gain: 12.5 dB (4GHz)
P1dB Output Power: +16 dBm (DC – 1 GHz)
Stable Gain Over Temperature
8 Lead Hermetic SMT Package
The ADH395S is a GaAs InGaP Heterojunction Bi-polar Transistor (HBT) Gain Block MMIC DC - 4 GHz amplifier. This amplifier can be used as either a cascadable 50 Ohm gain stage or to drive the LO of mixers with up to +17dBm output power. The ADH395S offers 16 dB of gain and an output IP3 of +31dBm while requiring only 50mA from a +5V supply.
The Darlington feedback pair used results in reduced sensitivity to normal process variations and yields excellent gain stability over temperature while requiring a minimal number of external bias components.
Microwave & VSAT Radios
Test Equipment
Military EW, ECM, C³I
Space Telecom